Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tips for quiz in law of photojournalism

The following are possible questions in law of photojournalism (find answers in the chapter and read the notes you took in class). The quiz will be in the form of multiple choices.

Which of the following location requires permission before photo taking?

Photojournalists has the right to take photos in public areas is base on what legal document?

What situation requires the approval of both the administrator and the recognizable people in the photo before photo taking?

Who can give you a legal right to enter an aftermath of a fire scene of a privately owned house?

In what situation requires you bylaw to turn over your camera equipment?

What was the latest final ruling from the court on photographer Ron Galella from taking picture of Kennedy Onassis?

What are the common situations when photos published becomes libel?

What is “improper photography law”? In what situation would someone consider breaking the law?

In discussing people’s privacy right. Kobre’s book mentioned Ms. Graham appeared in a county fair and had her photo being taken at a public place and published. She sued the newspaper and won. What was the case about?

“Work-for-hire” agreement means the copyright of a photo is own by who? And how do you define “work-for-hire”?

Precisely when is the earliest moment a photo is copyrighted and what do you need to do to claim copyright to your photo?

Some restrictions apply to photojournalists in taking photos of the person in their home even though without going into a person’s property. What are they?

When taking photos of an accident scene, what kind of legal concerns you need to be aware?

What is media “ride along” with the police? Is it legal? How did Supreme Court rule this kind of situation?

Are all true and real photos safe to print? In what situation a photo becomes “putting someone in a false light” and “embarrassing the subject” being photographed?

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