Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome to News Photo 1 Fall 2011 class blog

Hi photo bees!

First of all, I want to congratulate you that you all make it through the 2nd week. This is a rare case in News Photo 1 class. Most of the time we have several students disappeared after the 1st week after they know the heavy course load and heard all those yelling and screaming in the newsroom.

Now let's come back to this blog. This is a place for us to communicate informally and at off class hours, or even on your holidays. For this coming three and a half month time, I suggest you make good and close friend with your camera. Let photography goes into your life and live in it. Yes, photography is a life style if you really want to be good at it. You should carry your camera with you all the time, watch the world in a photographic way and learn to use photographs to document the world around you.

When you see beautiful things, you take photos of it. When you see interesting things, you take photos of it. When you see horrible things, you take photos of it. When you see things that have special meaning to you, you take photos of it. And they should not be snap shots that were shot without going through your mind. They should be photos that has been working through a lot of refining steps to get to a satisfactory stop. Yes, photography need to be a serious thoughtful process. Only by doing that  can you improve your skill and to elevate yourself to a higher level to differentiate yourself with snap-shot shooters.

Alright, enough preaching. We would like to have some photos on this blog posted before our next meet. Because this is a first time trial, we will not grade on this post. It is voluntary but I hope you all join us to express yourself visually this week.

In the future, starting next Wed., we will expect everyone to post at least a photo each week on this blog. I will give you a topic which usually has nothing to do with news events but rather something that you can catch in your daily life. Good thing about posting on this blog is that we are devoting another 5% grade bonus to this. If you successfully post required photos promptly each week that match the topic that is given to you, you will receive the 5% grade. It is a half grade point!

There are few things I want to remind you. One, be very careful with posting photos you shoot for the Ranger. Any photos coming from a story that is not yet published should not be posted. Also, when you post photos taken from Ranger assignments, remember to give credit to the Ranger. The proper way to credit a Ranger photo is: John Doe/The Ranger.

Okay, your first photo topic for this blog is: "Things that mean a lot to me in my life." It could be a person, an animal, a building, or anything. Just make sure it is taken with your mind, not a snap shot. Work on it and tell us why it means a lot to your life.

Happy shooting!

Dr. Lo

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